The Top 5 Hits of 2022

Category: Facilities Maintenance

It’s officially recap season, and there’s a lot to reflect on and celebrate at Flagship – from our 34th birthday to the 1-year anniversary of our acquisition of DENS.

Through it all, we managed to share a TON of insights in the form of blog posts, client stories, white papers, and more. Check out our five most popular web resources of 2022:

Stay Open Responsibly: Best Practices for Post-Pandemic Facilities Maintenance

With most of the U.S. population now fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and the CDC announcing relaxed community guidelines, many businesses are preparing to reopen at full capacity (if they haven’t done so already), and some are increasing their capacity by adjusting their in-office schedules.

Whether your employees are returning to work for the first time or simply being asked to visit more frequently, it’s your job to make the transition as smooth as possible. Having a clear plan in place is sure to make the change easier on both you and your staff. This guide is designed to help organizations with questions about how to create and maintain a healthy facility while supporting employees as they learn to manage both remote and on-site work.

Managing a Hybrid Workplace: An FM's POV

From March 2020 through 2021, facility managers adapted to maintaining their facilities while accommodating occupants that were virtual. Just as a new normal seemed to have taken hold, 2022 found many organizations establishing hybrid schedules for returning employees, with some returning to their facilities full time, some part time, and some adapting a hybrid schedule.

Luckily for most FMs, the lessons learned in the first two years of the pandemic would prove valuable when adapting to a hybrid model. Stormy Friday (Founder, The Friday Group) shared some tips for navigating the new world of work.

ACI Rankings Report

More than 400 airports worldwide quantify their performance by participating in ACI’s Airport Service Quality (ASQ) program, which is based on a series of customer satisfaction surveys that measure passengers’ opinion on 34 key performance indicators (KPIs) on the day they travel. Like other survey-based ratings, these results provide key benchmarks for airports to measure their performance within their peer group and suggest best practices for the future. They also help key decision-makers prioritize future spending based on potential return on investment.

So how can an airport increase its rankings in ASQ and other surveys? One of the airports that Flagship services recently underwent a two-year effort to improve its customer satisfaction ratings. Upon completion, the airport mentioned above achieved a significant increase in its customer satisfaction rankings, as well as significant increases in aviation and non-aviation related revenues.

Client Story: Orlando International Airport

Orlando International Airport (MCO) is a world-class airport and the region’s gateway to Central Florida – one of the world’s leading tourist destinations with an array of world-famous attractions. It is also one of the nation’s most highly regarded airports, earning the number 4 spot in J.D. Power’s 2021 North America Customer Satisfaction Rankings for mega airports.

Flagship Facility Services has been MCO’s cleaning partner since 2014, and in that time, the airport has experienced a dizzying level of growth and change. The two organizations have worked together to ensure the airport’s growth has been seamless and generally invisible to travelers.

Seeing Is Believing: Regaining the Trust of the Traveling Public

Passengers’ impressions of airports are shaped by every human interaction. This includes not just airport staff, but non-airport employees such as concessionaires, TSA staff, airline employees, taxi/rideshare drivers, and vendors, such as janitorial staff.

Listen to our facilities experts as they discuss how airports can partner with janitorial providers to combat COVID-19 in airports and increase visibility to boost passenger confidence.

This holiday season, we’re grateful for the employees, clients, and partners who contributed to Flagship’s success in 2022!

If you’re in search of a reliable provider to address your facilities needs in the new year, Flagship can help.

Email one of our experts for more information on our comprehensive facilities maintenance solutions.