A Happy Thanksgiving Wish from Us to You

Category: Facilities Maintenance

Tags: Employees,

Thanksgiving has become known for a lot of things…huge meals piled high with turkey, stuffing and potatoes, football games, 5k Turkey Trots, and parades. However, a day that is meant to be a time to reflect, count our blessings and show how thankful we are for all that we have, has become drenched in frenzied shopping and the need to be entertained.

We wanted to make this year a little simpler. And we would like to express how thankful we are to you.

We are so grateful to all of you that take the time to share in this blog and share your stories with us. It is wonderful to know that our talented facilities managers and staff have helped make your life easier, your facility cleaner and provide a healthy environment for your staff.

Check out our previous blog about how being thankful is actually good for your mental health and your employees' wellbeing.

Each week we discuss new topics that can help your facility or business run smoother. From employee wellness to diversity and inclusion, and from janitorial cleaning tips to IoT and integrated facilities management, these topics can help your business save money, operate safely and protect your most important assets… your employees.

As you and your staff enter this holiday season, please stay safe and remember some of these helpful tips:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly, often, and use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  • Wear a mask when traveling or when you are around others that may be suffering from allergies or a cold – there have been many cases where the flu and COVID-19 present similar symptoms.
  • Before you travel, take a COVID-19 test – they are free at many places across the country, but you can also buy over-the-counter tests and have them on hand.
  • In public areas, use sanitizer or alcohol wipes to disinfect your chair or table before you sit down and sanitize your hands after using doors or touching commonly touched items (menus, chairs, railings, etc.)
  • Try and keep your distance from strangers and anyone that seems to be sneezing, coughing or is congested.
  • Get your flu shot and your COVID-19 vaccination booster – while they don’t make you immortal or immune, they can help your body fight the germs much more efficiently.
  • Be thankful for others and their work - take a moment to say, “Thank you”. Thank them for working during the holidays, for putting on a smile, for holding the door, and for making your day a little better. You’ll make their holiday a lot brighter in the process.

Many thanks

We are truly grateful that you are participating in this journey with us. We hope that you, your staff and all your loves ones stay well and safe during this holiday season.

So, from Flagship , we’d like to thank you. Thank you for being great and spending your time with us. Thank you for being you, and for helping to make this world a better place with your ideas.

As always, should you need additional help at your facility to allow your staff more time off, you’d like to work on a new project to establish processes and controls for your facility, or you need a team that will work with you to provide healthy disinfection and help your facility run smarter we’re here to help.

Flagship is grateful that we have been able to help so many employees, occupants and travelers stay safer and healthier with advanced cleaning methods and great team members.

We have experienced and professional teams ready to help you through the holiday season and beyond with your facilities management needs. If you have any questions, please email a facilities expert.