Add Giving to Your Company Culture

Category: Facilities Maintenance

Every business works hard to find products and/or services that can improve the lives of their customers and add value to the world. However, using that same thought process towards employees is important as well, because adding value to the lives of your staff encourages deeper employee engagement and better team morale.

One thing your organization can do is incorporate philanthropy into your company culture. Many employees enjoy coming together to help others and they want to be part of a company that makes a difference. While your company may not be able to solve all the world’s issues for hunger or peace, by incorporating programs that help your employees make a difference in other’s lives, it can improve overall productivity and company pride.

Here are some programs you can incorporate into your business and build into your company’s philanthropic culture.

Match Employee Gifts

Create a program allowing employees to potentially double their donation, up to a certain amount, by matching their contribution. This allows your staff to make an even bigger impact to an organization they are passionate about.

Automatic Paycheck Withdrawal Program

Sometimes if employees never see the money, they don’t feel the impact as strongly. This also allows employees to give a smaller amount over multiple paychecks, versus having to come up with a larger donation once or twice a year. If an employee gives $10 a paycheck, that may not feel like much of a financial burden to their normal spending, but over 24 paychecks, that’s a $240 donation. It really adds up!

Beyond the potential capability of employees donating a little extra, many organizations prefer recurring giving as a better way to support their work, rather than one large, annual gift. It allows them to plan better throughout the year because of the steady flow of donations versus relying so heavily on end-of-year donations.

Have Fundraising Events

One of the easiest ways to raise funds for a charity would be through a fundraiser. There are many fundraising ideas, from a bake sale to an auction. Use the culture of your company to find something that will work well – and don’t forget to keep the “fun” in fundraising.

Allow Time Off for Volunteer Opportunities

Giving doesn’t have to only be about money, it can be time as well. Providing hours for employees to volunteer their time during workdays helps promote how the company feels about philanthropy and making a difference in the community. This will also allow employee community groups to form and promote events, such as a volunteer day with Habitat for Humanity, without requiring employees to use their personal time.

Make it Fun

Above all, make these events welcoming, fun and centered around working with one another to achieve certain goals. This is something that can help bring employees together outside the office and bond on new levels.

Often enough, it’s not easy to get away from the desk or outside of the department to grow and learn beyond one’s current knowledge base. This provides employees with a chance to have fun together and learn from one another while making a difference.

Cultivating a culture of giving back to others helps young professionals feel proud to be a pillar of positive change within their community, more satisfied with being part of an enlightened company, and therefore, more productive in their roles.