How to Use Data to Drive Smarter Lab Operations

Expert Perspective

Category: Life Sciences

Tags: Lab Support Services,

How to Use Data to Optimize Lab Operations

Scientist with Microscope in Lab Operation

In this edition of "An Expert's P.O.V.", Flagship's J.P. Casabar, Sr. Director of Lab Services, discusses the critical role data plays in optimizing lab operations and shares insights on how labs can improve efficiency, reduce waste, and make smarter resourcing decisions.

Data-driven decision-making is the backbone of modern research. Yet, when it comes to the operations that support this research, data is often underutilized or overlooked entirely. Instead, labs are left making critical decisions based on vague estimates and guesswork.

Should key decisions about spending and resources rely on this kind of uncertainty? No. But how do you begin to streamline operations when you’re not sure what data to track or how to track it?

In this post, we’ll explore how your lab can leverage data to improve everything from inventory management to equipment maintenance, ensuring more efficient and cost-effective operations.

Are You Effectively Tracking Your Supply Data?

Lab managers conducting research with a computer in the backgroundIf your operational goal is to ensure that “science is never interrupted,” then tracking consumables spending is simple: You purchase a certain number of items at a specific cost. But how do you effectively track usage? The common approach is to infer usage from spending, yet this method misses crucial insights, such as:

  • Items discarded due to accidental damage after receipt
  • Expired items that are thrown away
  • Supplies removed from stock but stashed away in personal drawers

Are you using a vendor-agnostic system that not only keeps your inventory stocked but also captures these kinds of metrics to inform decisions? Is your vendor flagging items that expire faster than they’re used, or are they simply recording them as “used”? Do you have a cycle-counting schedule in place to support your Just-In-Time stocking program?

With Flagship Intuition, our cutting-edge lab management software, you’re not just managing your supplies; you’re proactively reducing waste and improving efficiency. The platform gives you full visibility into your supply usage and patterns, allowing you to optimize purchasing decisions, prevent costly stockouts or overstocking, and make smarter, data-driven choices that keep your lab running smoothly. By harnessing real-time insights, we can ensure that your lab stays fully operational and resource efficient.

Are Your Equipment Service Contracts Really Cost-Effective?

Minimizing the risk of equipment failure is a top priority for lab managers, as research grinds to a halt when critical instruments are offline. But have you ever stopped to ask what data is driving your preventive maintenance schedules and service contracts? Most labs default to the manufacturer’s recommended guidelines, but do those schedules truly reflect your equipment’s actual usage or how consistently maintenance is performed?

At Flagship Lab Services, our Asset Management Team uncovered that an R&D customer was overspending by 22%, primarily due to emergency repair upcharges, which could have been avoided with a better-suited service plan. We also helped another customer realize a 15% savings by downgrading from a platinum service contract to a gold plan that more accurately matched their needs.

So, are you paying for services you don’t really need, or are you under-contracting, leaving your equipment vulnerable to frequent breakdowns? Misaligned preventive maintenance schedules can lead to unnecessary expenses or worse – emergency repairs when equipment unexpectedly fails.Flagship R&D Case Study

Flagship Intuition gives you access to real-time monitoring, usage tracking, and predictive analytics. These tools enable you to create preventive maintenance plans based on actual usage data, ensuring your equipment is serviced when it truly needs it – not when it’s convenient for a standard contract.

Do You Have Enough Hands in the Lab?

Turnover is a reality for every organization, which makes having well-documented procedures and workflows critical for maintaining smooth operations. But when it comes to lab support, how are you justifying the need for additional resources? Are you proactively conducting time studies and tracking task frequency to identify bottlenecks, or is your lab manager waiting until the scientists start to complain?

Flagship Lab Services’ use of Flagship Intuition goes beyond just ensuring that operational support tasks are completed on schedule; it also generates valuable data that offers Business Intelligence. This insight allows you to anticipate when additional staffing may be needed, long before your researchers reach a breaking point. With data-driven decisions, you can add resources strategically, ensuring that your lab stays productive without overburdening your team.

Final Thoughts

Flagship Lab Services offers comprehensive solutions to help your lab answer "yes" to all of these critical questions surrounding supply management, equipment maintenance, and staffing needs.

By leveraging our vendor managed inventory program, equipment support services, and other tailored offerings, we ensure your lab operates efficiently while maximizing cost savings.

Contact us today to discover how we can support your research and streamline your lab operations.