A Salute to All Who’ve Served

Category: Facilities Maintenance

Tags: Employees, Education, Janitorial, Staffing,

Veterans are a special breed. At Flagship, veterans are not only part of the team but also part of our employees’ history and culture.

Veterans Day is a special time that gives all of us a chance to pay our respects to those who have served and allowed us to have the rights we have today. It is the one day that we stand united in respect for those that gave their lives, those that have changed our lives and those who continue to serve today.

It is an important time to appreciate all those who have served this country, whether it was war or peace time.

Remember that Veterans Day (November 11) is to honor the service of all Americans who have served, but particularly the living veterans among us. Many veterans have been in danger or stepped in harm’s way on your behalf.

In honor of Veterans day, this year, Flagship reached out to employees and asked about their veteran stories, whether they were a veteran or know a veteran. Here are some of their memories.

Please feel free to share your story in the comments.

Love in the Time of War

Veterans Day Engagement Photo"My father was drafted into the Army during the Vietnam War. His background in electronics and communications helped him stay off the frontline, and he is very thankful for that. But if you ask him what is most memorable during that time, he says it was his first leave. Because this is not a war story, it’s a love story.

One night during his first official leave, he spotted the prettiest woman he’d ever seen. Despite his shyness, he struck up a conversation and they spoke all night. Their love grew over the next few years when they wrote hundreds of letters to one another as he served his time in Vietnam.

When he returned, they got married and 47 years later, he still says she’s still the prettiest woman he’s ever seen.”

- Sharon, Content Manager

Food for Humor

Veteran Fredrico, HACCP Manager“In basic training (U.S. Army) we are all taught to have a sense of humor because it’s not easy being in the service.

The year was 1977, Kitzigen, Germany, and I was a cook in the Army for HHC 3rd Aviation Battalion.

One day I made the meat sauce for the evening’s meal of spaghetti and meat balls. I followed the recipe to the letter, and it was my turn to serve the troops.

As I was serving, I noticed a big leaf in the sauce (it was a Bay leaf). When I served it to one of the troops, I exclaimed “Oh no, someone must’ve left the window open!”

The soldier noticed the big leaf and said, “I don’t want a big leaf in my dinner,” and wanted another plate. The Mess Sergeant saw the discourse and that the chow line was being held up. He came over to see what the problem was, and I innocently explained that it was a Bay leaf from the sauce, and I was confused what the commotion was about.

Sergeant turned to the private and told him to move along and that it is fine! I thought that it was funny of course the trooper did not. This is why when you go into the service, they tell you that you must have a sense of HUMOR!”

- Fredrico, HACCP Manager

Tradition of Service

“I am not a veteran, but I come from a family with decades of service history.

My uncle served in the US Army and was stationed in the White House for President’s Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.

My grandfather of my dad’s side served in the Korean War in the US Navy.

Veteran Bronze Star Medal letterAnd when my mom recently passed, I found a letter. My grandfather, her dad, was in the U S Army and fought in WWII. He received the Bronze Star for heroic achievement in an infantry battle in Italy. According to the letter from the US War Department, my grandfather, without regard for his own person safety, halted an enemy advancement with the help of his gun crews.

I deeply appreciate all the men and women who have served in the U S Military. Thank you to all!!”

- Ashley Weaver, VP of Business Development

Determined to Save Others

Veteran, Captain Simmang, receives the Flying Cross“My father, Captain Simmang, received The Distinguished Flying Cross because of his courage and bravery in Vietnam during a life-endangering flight in 1968 to help save the lives of many young men.

On a particularly treacherous night, he guided his C-130 aircraft through the low ceilings, hazardous terrain, and hostile ground fire. He used radar and doppler navigation when a visual approach could not be made. He completed this extraordinary achievement in order to drop critically needed supplies to a besieged Marine garrison at Khe Sanh, Vietnam.

His professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed “great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force,” according to the Air Force documents.

He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross by General Brown in 1969.”

- Paul Simmang, Director of Business Development

Teaching Others

Veteran Ghazwan, Sous Chef“I joined the 4th infantry division in Iraq in April 2003. I worked with the Engineer Brigade and helped lead lectures in culture and heritage.

I’ve received several rewards/ Army coins and certificates throughout my years of service.”

- Ghazwan, Sous Chef

Remembering Family

Veteran memorial flag and purple heart“I appreciate the service of every Veteran. Here’s a picture of my dad’s memorial flag and my grandfather’s Purple Heart that he received for his wounded service from World War II. I keep them close to me so I can remember their sacrifice every day. Currently they are on the wall at the corner of my desk in my home office.”

- Don Toole, SVP Sales and Marketing


Don’t forget to appreciate the Veterans in your community every day, but especially on November 11. Take some time to spend time with the Veterans in your life, say thank you, or volunteer your time to help out older or disabled vets.

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