Flagship Facility Services’ security program is based on best practices developed over the past thirty years of providing Integrated Facility Management (IFM) services to many customers in high-security environments, including corporate campuses for high tech companies, busy international airports, and higher education campuses.
- Background Screening: Flagship has the toughest applicant screening program in our industry, including rigorous background checks to check each applicant for a criminal record. Included are a seven-year Felony and Misdemeanor history from state and local courthouses, a National Criminal Record File history (all 50 states), the National Sex Offender Database, Office of Inspector General/General Services Administration system listing, and a Global Sanctions Search.
- Identity Verification: With the widespread availability to color printing, forged identity documents are becoming more common. Flagship uses an ICE-approved protocol to verify the authenticity of these documents, along with E-Verify to confirm the applicant’s eligibility to work in the U.S.
- Personality Assessment: All applicants are required to complete the Elite personality assessment tool during the recruiting process; it measures applicants’ attitude toward work and work-related issues, level of commitment to their job and employer, and fitness for the position they’re applying for, based on their personality characteristics and cognitive abilities. This tool gives Flagship supervisors insight into the best way to manage each employee as an individual, and a baseline to see if the employee’s attitudes change over time.
- Manager Preparation: Supervisors undergo extensive training in how to relate to and discipline their employees, including sensitivity training, avoiding sexual harassment, and Flagship’s progressive disciplinary procedures for employees.
- Uniforms and Badges: All of Flagship’s hourly employees and day porters wear a work shirt with the Flagship logo, midweight cotton pants, and slip-resistant, closed-toe shoes with the proper support and protection. They are also required to carry a security photo identification card. We also build extra time into our work schedules for employees to pass through security checkpoints or park farther away from your facility.
- Employee Verification: We maintain a list of all employees who are authorized to access customer facilities and an updated list is available to customer representatives at any time via our customer portal. This includes not only full-time employees but on-call workers who fill in for employees who are sick or on vacation.
- Training Module: Flagship distributes an Active Shooter training module to all of its employees, as part of the company’s occupational safety program. It is available in English and Spanish and includes a list of warning signs to identify co-workers who might become violent, best practices to respond to the threat of violence, and options for responding to active shooter situations.
- Online Video: Flagship’s online Learning Management System (LMS) includes a video entitled “Active Shooter Workplace Violence.” Front-line employees who work in remote locations are required to watch this video as part of their standard training.
- Termination: When a person’s employment with Flagship ends, he or she is required to turn in all items that give him or her access to customer sites, including identification cards, uniforms, and keys or key cards. HR employees are trained in a protocol for handling terminations that encourages them to take control, de-escalate a potentially volatile situation and provide support to the departing employee.
- Let’s Connect: Flagship’s Let’s Connect program is a confidential and anonymous system that makes it easy for employees to report workplace issues without threat of retaliation. This serves as an early warning system that can help identify at-risk employees.
- Counseling: Many of the people who commit acts of workplace violence are not mentally ill, but are going through a difficult period in their lives, such as family separation, financial difficulties, or substance abuse problems. Flagship’s Employee Assistance Program gives eligible employees confidential access to work-life resources including legal, financial, childcare, eldercare and caregiver resources. This includes unlimited telephonic support and up to three face-to-face counseling sessions.
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