Making Every Day Earth Day

Category: Facilities Maintenance

Tags: Sustainability,

Making Every Day Earth Day

Earth Day is almost here! And Flagship is celebrating this global event by joining businesses, governments, and individuals in promoting sustainable practices and encouraging others to do the same.

Earth Day takes place annually on April 22. But at Flagship, every day is Earth Day with our eco-friendly approach to facilities maintenance and conservation-oriented actions. We’re committed to practicing environmentally responsible methods both internally and for our clients.

We understand the importance of green initiatives and the impact facilities maintenance services can have on the environment, and we’re pleased to be the top choice of clients making the choice to go green.

UCLA Sustainability Committee Badge

Sustainability in Facilities Maintenance

Facilities maintenance can negatively impact the environment with excess water consumption, exhaustive energy use, dangerous chemical utilization, and immense waste creation.

Thankfully, there are several ways to mitigate these harmful practices. Implementing eco-friendly procedures is vital to helping facilities reduce their environmental impact, saving money, and creating a healthy workplace.

Actionable steps businesses can take to placate unnecessary consumption:

  • Water
    • Set up automatic water faucets
    • Fix any leaks
    • Install low-flow toilets
    • Use recycled water for landscaping
    • Conduct a water audit
  • Energy
    • Utilize energy-efficient light bulbs
    • Deploy motion detection devices for lighting and equipment
    • Upgrade your HVAC system
    • Implement an energy management system
  • Chemicals
    • Solely use EPA-approved cleaners and solutions
    • Properly dispose of any hazardous materials
    • Thoroughly train employees on correct product usage
    • Purchase supplies in bulk
  • Waste
    • Implement recycling programs
    • Reduce paper usage
    • Compost organic waste

Taking all of these steps and creating an environmental management system can help drastically reduce your environmental impact.

Flagship’s Resource-Efficient Strategies

Indoor air Quality (IAQ) by the Journal of Building Engineering

At Flagship, we understand how vital it is to be as eco-friendly as possible while delivering efficient facilities maintenance solutions, and we’re proud to be able to provide climate-smart resources to our clients. Check out some of our sustainability success stories:

We’re able to tailor programs to fit the goals and needs of our clients as well as employ sustainable cleaning methods in our everyday practices while servicing sites. Our PUREClean approach to cleaning and sanitizing is an efficient way to maximize cleaning efforts while using EPA-approved chemicals.

We’ve also adapted our janitorial techniques to be more eco-friendly and encourage enhanced air quality. Not only do we rely on hybrid cars and low-emissions equipment wherever possible, but we also collaborate with suppliers and vendors to reduce the amount of packaging we expend and buy products in bulk.

Flagship advocates for preventive maintenance, as it can save money and reduce energy consumption. We empower clients to implement a preventive maintenance schedule with our Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), which can be customized for specific needs.

Hands Holding Greeen Earth

How You Can Contribute

Anyone can get involved in Earth Day – whether it’s at home or at work. The first step is to evaluate where you can make changes and which areas you’d like to improve.

Here are some eco-friendly behaviors to put into daily practice:

  • Use a refillable water bottle instead of buying single-use plastic bottles
  • Car-pool whenever possible
  • Shop at thrift stores
  • Use reusable food storage bags instead of disposable bags
  • Minimize unnecessary purchases
  • Support local businesses
  • Switch to refillable beauty products
  • Shop sustainable brands with minimal packaging

Flagship’s Earth Day Commitment

Flagship is happy to celebrate Earth Day and urges everyone to participate and evaluate ways to implement eco-friendly practices into your everyday life. In addition to conducting training on efficient product and energy usage, we perform periodic green audits at many sites and actively participate in industry organizations such as the U.S. Green Building Council, International Sanitary Supply Association, and International Facility Management Association, which are all dedicated to environmental responsibility.

We encourage you to find out how your business can implement more environmentally friendly facilities maintenance strategies and resource-efficient practices. Promote Earth Day within your organization by sharing these tips and incentivizing employees to participate in green initiatives.