Take a Moment to Thank Frontline Heroes

Category: Facilities Maintenance

Tags: Employees, Business and Industry, Coronavirus, Core Values

The last two years have been incredibly hard for most of us, but even more so for those that have continued to put their health and safety on the line for everyone else.

Many people immediately think of paramedics, nurses, doctors and those that are treating patients for COVID-19 – however, there are many others in the background – often quietly working hard to keep you and your family safe.

They are the janitors, custodians, cleaners, maintenance workers and ventilation crews!

These frontline heroes have been hard at work every day throughout the pandemic to keep facilities clean, disinfected and well-maintained, so others can travel, perform their work functions, and be treated by health care staff.

Frontline Janitor Employees

Cleaning is a tough job in normal times, but frontline crews continue to diligently sanitize high-touch areas to reduce germ-spread and deep clean some of the highest-risk areas – places that have been exposed to the virus or infected individuals.

At Flagship, we know how hard our teams work, they are not just disinfecting, but also helping others have a better day. They have been onsite to help occupants find their way through buildings, schools, hospitals and airports, find lost items, retrieve valuables that were accidentally discarded, reconnect lost family members and even directly save lives!

Frontline Janitorial Employees with Awards

It can be easy to walk past these everyday heroes and not even notice them. They are hard-working, diligent and busy creating a healthy environment for you and your family.

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that front line and custodial workers should be highly appreciated for everything they do every day.

In honor of National Custodian Day on October 2, Flagship will be celebrating all our frontline heroes with onsite lunches and prizes. But we need your help to truly make it a special weekend for the people that have helped to keep you safe for the last two years, so take a few moments to say “thank you” to a custodian or frontline worker.

Flagship can help you make a difference with your employees. From digital solutions to proving single-source Facilities Management, Flagship's customizable approach can tailor your program to meet your ever-changing needs and grow with your diverse organization.

Email a facilities expert today and get the help you need to keep your facility healthy and safe, no matter your location.