New Year, New Ideas

Category: Facilities Maintenance

Tags: Safety, Janitorial,

It is a new year, a new decade and that brings a lot of opportunity for change. The world is moving faster, technology continues to drive innovation and companies like yours are constantly looking for ways to disrupt their industry. Developing and launching of strategic initiatives that improve your competitive dominance is the smart way to reach your goals faster and easier.

As you envision what your organization would like to do over this new year, what are some of the initiatives on the horizon? Will you:

  • Improve employee engagement
  • Increase brand awareness and sales
  • Experience growing pains from tremendous sales and great success
  • Choose to focus on your core business to enhance service quality
  • Move to a new location or upgrade your current facility
  • Cut costs or strategically increase spending
  • Become more sustainable by incorporating more “green” initiatives within your organization
  • Drive transformational change throughout the organization

If you answered “YES” to one or more of the above, outsourcing your facilities services and integrated facilities management may help free up resources to allow you to accomplish your goals and maintain healthy relationships with your employees.

Outsourcing is quite common in today’s marketplace. Do you hire companies to wash your windows, clear your plumbing, update your electrical or maintain your HVAC? Do you have landscapers mow and maintain your grounds? You’re outsourcing, just on a one-to-one basis, and that can lead to a lot of contractor management work for your facilities manager.

More and more organizations chose to outsource, especially facilities services, because it can improve their competitive advantage in the market by allowing them to:

  • Focus on their core business and allow for the pursuit of tactical strategies to improve the customer and employee experience
  • Acquire marketable benefits, improve processes and increase greater value through the contractor’s affiliations
  • Enjoy greater synergy with the contractor’s solutions’ providers and develop shared strategic advantages
  • Reduce operating costs by avoiding direct and indirect costs of performing the services
  • Establish the changes in structure and controls to improve internal systems and data-driven advantages
  • Improve safety and best practice systems for safer and higher levels of performance
  • Enhance sustainability projects, green initiatives and carbon footprint reducing programs with the contractor’s experience and knowledge

An integrated facilities management company can provide additional services onsite that will help alleviate some of the stress and burden on your current facilities manager, so they have time to focus on future goals and strategic initiatives. The facilities manager's objectives can transition from managing day-to-day services and individual service companies to implementing tactical strategies and strategic goals that can improve control over non-core business functions and reduce facility operating costs. This also allows your organization to focus more of your resources on your customers and provide a better experience through the business process.

If you’re unsure if outsourcing is right for you, consider reading When to Outsource FM and ask yourself if it makes sense to keep all your facilities services inhouse or not.